Hello everyone,
My name is Danae, my husband is Theo and we now have 10 fur babies!! We love our family and never thought that it would be this big!! Now don’t get me wrong we love being a big family and wouldn’t change our crazy lives!! I will be posting a back story after this for any of you that are interested!!
On June 6th, 2016 I started morning as I always do. Got up and made sure that all the fur babies had fresh and plenty of water. Then fed the cats and used the restroom! I heard a kitten cry and I am thinking to myself Reggie is not that small anymore. I went and got my 1st cup of coffee and started waking up. About an hour later I needed the bathroom again!! I heard the kitten again looked around it was none of our cats they were all 3 cat napping lol.
I realized the cry was coming from under our trailer. My heart sunk is this just a kitten crying for its mom? Or is this kitten in distress? I went outside and looked as much as I could and couldn’t find the kitten. My husband got home from work that afternoon. I told him that I had been hearing a kitten under the trailer all day and he didn’t seem to be moving from the cries. Theo got under the trailer but never heard or saw the kitten!! This went on for a couple of days!!
On June 7th, 2016 I was in the spare room and I heard the kitten he’s cry was getting faint and my heart sunk again!! We searched again that morning and still couldn’t find the kitten! But Theo finally heard the kitten!! We had to stop searching due to thunder storm!!
At this point I was worried we weren’t gonna find this kitten!! A few hours later we were able to get back to searching!! My husband yells for me from underneath the trailer. I replied did you find the kitten? Theo replied run and get me a knife hurry!! So I did!! Theo had found the kitten wrapped in wires and installation!!
When Theo and the kitten came out I understood while Theo hadn’t found him till then Simba is the light yellow kitty color!! Simba was camouflaged right into the installation!! We both noticed right away that he’s right eye was infected and that he’s right hind leg was broken!!
The vets office was closed at this point so we had to call the vet on call!! We got Simba into the vet and Dr. Eversal said what we know but that she would have to get a second opinion from Dr. Dixion!! So Simba was staying the night! When we left the vets that night we had already been informed that Simba’s leg might need to be amputated!! He’s leg was ice cold when Theo handed Simba to me after he found him!!
To be continued later today